Beyond the Secret Struggle (GLOW Freedom Series Part 5 of 8)
Hi, Beautiful!
Today we're stepping back into the GLOW Freedom Series, where I'm sharing the exact method that turned my biggest limitation (alcohol) into my brightest light.
We're in week three of a four-week journey exploring the four pillars that set me free for good: Growth, Liberation, Oneness, and Wellbeing (GLOW).
Inside oneness I discovered that divine power, not willpower, is our true key to freedom.
If you're struggling right now...with anything - whether it's a substance, a relationship, a habit, or a mindset - if you're feeling stuck in patterns that don't serve you, I want you to know with all your heart: you're not lost, you're being led.
For years, I tried to control my drinking through sheer willpower alone. I'd tell myself I would be better, try harder, that this time would be different.
I set boundaries, made promises to myself, and even managed to reduce my drinking significantly, but the second I took that first sip all my work went out the window.
You see, when we rely on willpower alone, we're going against the natural flow of the universe. It's no wonder it doesn't stick… why it doesn’t feel very good, why it feels like we are constantly having to work and try harder… only to slip up, then beat ourselves up and start the cycle all over again.
Every time we try to force change, each time we judge ourselves for not being 'strong enough,' we deepen the very pain we're trying to escape, becoming architects of our own prison.
I realized alcohol wasn't just something to control or do better at... it was literallydrowning my spiritual connection and replacing my light with an artificial high that only made me feel worse and worse.
But what if these limitations aren't asking us to fight harder? What if they're leading us to our true power?
When we stop trying to muscle through change and instead open up to divine guidance, something magical happens.
11/13/22 (8 months after I let go) I wrote:
"The day I finally feel free from alcohol. As I stood in church today and sang freedom in your name worship song, I realized oh my gosh, this is happening.. I'm actually free from a bind that has had me since I was 15 years old. As the song played 7 people came up and showed their transformation on cardboard boxes and tears flooded my eyes. How beautiful to see people being healed right in front of me. In that moment I knew I am meant for this. I want to help heal people. I want to show them there is another way! It doesn't have to be doom and gloom. We can all be free. Free from our past, free from our pain…. Free to live a life we love without limits. It's really possible. I'm proof."
True freedom, I've learned, doesn't come from restrictions or rules... It comes when we're brave enough to trust in something greater than our own willpower.
It's not about forcing or finding the perfect moment - it's about creating such a powerful connection with our truth that old patterns simply can't survive our new light.
It's about discovering who we are beyond our limitations. Because on the other side of that pattern? There's a version of you that's so magnetic, so alive, that you won't believe you ever accepted anything less.
Want to dive deeper into how divine power can transform your life? In this week's episode, I share the exact practices that helped me tap into my divine connection and break free from alcohol for good.
Watch Episode 3: I Used Alcohol to Cope...Until THIS Changed Everything
Your struggles haven't broken you - they've been crafting your wings all along... preparing you to fly.
Sending love & hugs,